Lumenis® Laser Treatment

We are now offering
Lumenis® Laser Treatments for:
- Photorejuvenation
- IPL Hair Removal
- IPL Acne Solution
- Pigmented Lesions
- Vein and Vascular Treatment
- Vein and Artery Removal from the Face
- Fractional Non-ablative Face Treatment
- ResurFX™
Below you will find additional information for each service and frequently asked questions.


Pigmentation and Freckles Treatment
Photo Courtesy of Mary Lupo, MD

Roseacia and Photorejuvenation Treatment
Photo Courtesy of Gilly Munavalli, MD
Why choose Optima™ IPL Photorejuvenation?
- Visible improvement for pigmentation, age/sun spots, broken capillaries and overall skin appearance
- A gentle treatment that removes skin imperfections and stimulates collagen and elastic fiber production
- A fast “lunch-time” treatment with no downtime
How does Optima™ IPL Photorejuvenation Work?
The Lumenis® Optima™ IPL Photorejuvenation treatment uses unique IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology to enable your doctor to offer remarkable results on a range of skin concerns such as age and sun spots, freckles, birthmarks, rosacea and broken capillaries.
The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology allows treatment of pigmentation and vascular imperfections, while improving overall skin appearance. Lumenis® IPL with Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) enables your clinician to safely customize the treatment according to your skin type and desired results. Light pulses penetrate the tissue and create heat, targeting the skin imperfection in a controlled manner. The body’s natural process then removes the treated tissue, while collagen and elastic fiber stimulation occurs, resulting in a visible improvement in skin tone and overall appearance.
With Lumenis® Optima™ IPL Photorejuvenation, you can expect optimal results in a short amount of time. Some skin concerns such as shallow pigmentation and age/sun spots may be cleared with as few as 1-2 treatments. Typically 2-6 sessions with 2-4 weeks in between are needed to achieve optimal results for most skin concerns.
Lumenis® IPL Hair Removal

Photo Courtesy of Robert Weiss, MD
Why choose Lumenis® IPL Hair Removal?
- Easy and comfortable treatment that will permanently remove unwanted hair
- Experience visible hair reduction already after the first treatment
- Fast treatments that fit any schedule
How does Lumenis® IPL Hair Removal Work?
The Lumenis® IPL Hair Removal treatment is a safe, non-invasive treatment that permanently reduces hair growth, resulting in smooth, beautiful skin. Our unique IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology targets the hair follicles, and impairs their ability to grow hair. IPL hair removal is effective on black, brown and red hair.
Before treatment, your clinician should closely shave away the hair in the treated areas and apply a cold gel. As the pulses of like are applied to your skin, you may feel a slight stinging or warm sensation. When the gel is removed, much of the hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area shed over the next week or two.
During treatment, highly controlled pulses of light are applied on the treated area and are selectively absorbed by the hair follicles beneath the skin surface. The absorbed light heats the hair follicles, which damages the re-growth potential of the follicle – all without damaging the surrounding tissue.
The Lumenis® IPL Hair Removal treatment is generally administered in a series of four to six sessions that yield excellent long-term results. Significant hair reduction may already be visible after the first session.
Lumenis® IPL Acne Solutions

Photo Courtesy of Mariela Nazar, MD
Why treat acne with Lumenis® IPL?
- A gentle treatment that addresses both the p.acne bacteria, as well as the pigmentation and redness of your skin
- It’s a fast “lunch-time” treatment with no downtime and less side effects than oral medication
- Improve your skin appearance and gain your confidence back with just a few treatments
How does Lumenis® IPL Acne Treatment Work?
The Lumenis® IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Acne treatment enables your doctor to greatly improve your skin appearance, reduce your acne, while at the same time treat the redness and pigmentation of your skin. The unique Lumenis® IPL technology utilizes light flashes over the treated area, triggering biochemical response that will eventually eliminate the bacteria within the pores. IPL is a non-invasive solution on inflammatory acne with less collateral effects than oral medication.
To ensure utmost comfort, your doctor should apply cold coupling gel on the treatment area. Depending on your specific concern, you can expect the session to last 15-20 minutes. You may experience a warm sensation as the light is applied to the skin, but the treatment is gentle and should not feel uncomfortable.
IPL is one of the most commonly administered form of light therapy in dermatological applications. IPL systems are designed to deliver many rapid, highly intense and controlled pulses of light – the controlled pulsing prevents thermal damage to your skin and minimized discomfort. IPL technology treats your acne with specific wavelengths of light targeting bacteria in the skin, as well as inflamed sebaceous glands that contribute to break-outs.
During the Lumenis® IPL acne treatment, short pulses of intense light are emitted from an applicator onto your skin. The light penetrates through various skin layers and helps eliminate acne bacteria and reduce the inflammation or seburn excess (skin oil) production that characterizes acne. Depending on the acne severity, it may take typically 4-6 sessions with a recess of weeks in between treatments to see improvement on your skin.
Vein and Vascular Treatments

Photo Courtesy of Matteo Tretti Clementoni, MD

Photo Courtesy of Hiroki Kanda, MD
Why Treat Vein and Vascular Concerns with Lumenis® IPL ?
- Non-invasive treatment for leg veins, facial veins, broken capillaries, and rosacea
- Tailored to address your specific concern, from thicker varicose veins to fine capilaries
- Noticeable results with no downtime
How Does Lumenis® IPL treat Vein and Vascular Concerns?
The Lumenis® treatments enable your doctor to effectively treat spider veins, reticular veins (blue veins), broken capillaries and rosacea. Our unique technology enables tailoring of the light source and energy to target the vascular condition and cause it to fade away.
Just before treatment, the doctor will apply a thing layer of clear gel onto the treatment area. During treatment, your doctor will treat the tarted veins by applying a few pulses on each blood vessel source. The treatment will take between 10-20 minutes, depending on the number of blood vessels being treated. During this treatment, you may experience a stinging or burning sensation, but it is tolerable.
The laser or IPL create heat inside the blood vessels, which closes the veins walls, eventually causing the vein to disappear. The laser is very precise and only impacts the selected blood vessel and none of the surrounding skin. The IPL filter also targets the blood only and not of the surrounding skin. Both Lumenis® technologies enable cooling of your skin between pulses, which reduces the chance of skin damage, producing great results.
In many cases, improvement is seen immediately after treatment – full clearance of the veins might take several weeks as they slowly fade away. In the case of multiple veins, 203 sessions in 6-8 weeks intervals may be needed.
Learn More
You can find more information by clicking on the link below.
IPL Veins & Vascular Treatment***Information and Photographs Courtesy of Lumenis®